Online / Physical Event

3rd International conference on

Reproductive Health, Infertility and IVF

Theme: Recent Advancements in Infertility and IVF

Event Date & Time

Event Location

London, UK

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20 Years Of Excellence in Scientific Events



Tracks & Key Topics


About Conference

IVF Health 2022 will be organized by EuroScicon. It is an amalgamation of several esteemed academic and scientific associations known for promoting scientific temperament. Every year it hosts Interdisciplinary International conferences worldwide on cutting-edge basic and applied research in life sciences, Pharma, Medicine, Healthcare and Nursing delivered by the best talents in industry and academia. EuroScicon conferences are oriented to drive the scientific community at large, facilitating access to the newest scientific and technical achievements and to shape future research directions through the publication of applied and theoretical research findings of the highest quality and aims to gather the Researchers, experts, principal investigators and researchers working under academia, Scientists, students, healthcare industry and Business Delegates, across the globe to provide an international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences.

IVF Health 2022 refers to the health of women that contrasts from that of a male in a few normal ways.  Women & Child Health conferences achieve the advancements of late improvements of different researchers with various ideas and thoughts.

IVF Health 2022 Conference will give a down to earth refresh on a full scope of normal however controversial issues in women’s health. We invite you to our site to join us. It is an excellent stage where you can learn and share the information for specialists and newcomers clearly to trade cutting edge progresses in approaches and thoughts, and in addition layout promising avenues for synergistic research.


Session Tracks

1. Women’s Oncology

Oncology is a department of medicine that deals with the counteractive movement, dedication, and remedy of most cancers. A therapeutic professional who rehearses oncology is an oncologist. The 3 elements that have greater survival in most cancers are: Prevention- This is by lessening of risk elements like tobacco and liquor utilization; early evaluation - Screening of not unusual cancers and complete diagnosis and staging.

2. Menstrual Cycle & Menopause

The Menstrual cycle is the ordinary and herbal trade that occurs in the girl reproductive gadget. This is a cycle of physical modifications controlled by using the girl hormones that reason a normal bleed, comes from the uterus. Regular menstrual periods in among the puberty and menopause are normally a signal that your body is working normally and wholesome. Most of the girls reports have some signs all through the only to two weeks previous to menstruation.

3. Osteoporosis and Bone Health

Osteoporosis led to weakening of bones and increases the chance of unexpected or surprising fractures. In Osteoporosis there are the lack of bone mass & electricity resulting pours bones. Osteoporosis is regularly development without any major symptoms or pains like different Women’s Health troubles.

4. Effect of Drugs on Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special physiological condition where treatment of drug is an important concern as the physiology of pregnancy affects the pharmacokinetics of medication used some medications can reach the fetus and harms them. Medication to pregnant lady cannot be totally avoided since some may have chronic pathological conditions that require continuous or interrupted treatment like asthma, epilepsy and hypertension.

5Sexually Transmitted Infection

STI is commonly spread by means of having vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse. More than 9 million women in the United States are identified with an STI each 12 months. Women often have more extreme health troubles from STIs than men, consisting of infertility. An STI is a contamination handed from one individual to another character through sexual contact. A contamination is whilst a micro-organism, virus, or parasite enters and grows in or in your frame. STIs are also called sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs.


Urogynecology is sub-division of gynaecology. Urogynaecologists are specifically educated scientific experts who treat medical troubles related to disorder of the pelvic ground and bladder. In some nations Urogynecology is also called Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery. Some of the issues in pelvic floor include urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and faecal incontinence.

7Child Nutrition

healthy diet helps children to grow and gain. It also helps to prevent obesity and weight-related diseases, such as diabetes. To give your child a nutritious diet

8. Reproduction and Sexual Health

Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence.

9Preventing Mother to Child disease transmission

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission(PMTCT) programmes offer a wide range of services for women of reproductive age living with the risk of HIV to maintain their health and halt their infants from acquiring HIV. PMTCT services should be offered before conception, and throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding and labour. PMTCT services should include quick infant diagnosis at four to six weeks after birth, testing at 18 months or/and when breastfeeding stops, and ART initiation as soon as possible for HIV-exposed infants to prevent HIV acquisition. By keeping women and infants in PMTCT programmes after delivery is challenging. In some of the countries, more infant infections are now occurring during the postnatal period because of breastfeeding rather than pregnancy or labour due to the large rates of women who leave care.

10Child birth and Postpartum care

postpartum period starts immediately after the birth of a child as the mother's body, including hormone levels & uterus size, returns to a non-pregnant state. The terms puerperium or puerperal period, or quick postpartum period are usually used to refer to the first six weeks after the childbirth. The World Health Organization emphasizes the postnatal period as the most critical and yet the most neglected phase in the lives of mothers and babies; maximum maternal and new-born deaths occur during the postnatal period. In scientific terms, the term is commonly abbreviated to Px, where x is a number; for example, "day P5" should be read as "the fifth day after birth". This is not to be confused with the medical nomenclature that uses G P to stand for the number and outcomes of pregnancy.

11Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Gynaecology deals with any ailment concerning the reproductive organs; uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries and vagina. A gynaecologist may also treat related problems in the bowel, bladder and urinary system since these are closely related to female reproductive organs. Obstetrics deals with the care of the pregnant women, the unborn baby, labor and delivery and the immediate period following childbirth. The obstetrician ensures that mother and child get the best prenatal care to ensure labor and delivery is accomplished without complications and that should intervention be needed, it is done quickly and safely.

12Depression & Anxiety

Natural hormonal fluctuations can result in depression or tension.  Premenstrual syndrome occurs generally among women, at the same time as premenstrual dimorphic ailment presents comparable, and however substantially intensified, symptoms. Shortly after birth, many mothers acquire a shape of despair called the “infant blues”, but perinatal depression causes comparable – but a great deal more potent – concerns, emotional shifts, unhappiness, and tiredness. Per menopause, the shift into menopause also can purpose depression. No depend how intense the symptoms, care carriers can provide relief with prescription or healing treatments.


Endometriosis is when the tissue that makes up the uterine lining (the liner of the womb) is gift on other organs inside your frame. Endometriosis is generally observed within the decrease abdomen, or pelvis, however can appear anywhere inside the frame. Women with endometriosis often have decrease abdominal ache, pain with intervals, or ache with sexual sex, and may file having a difficult time getting pregnant.

14Drugs, Vaccines and Immunization for Children

Vaccines prevent infectious diseases in children who receive them and protect the one who comes in contact with unvaccinated, infected individuals. Vaccinating children against diseases helps protect our community and our children's health. Before vaccines, most of the children died from diseases such as whooping cough and polio-diseases that vaccines are now able to prevent.


In PCOS, many small, fluid-filled sacs grow inside the ovaries. The word “polycystic” means “many cysts” these sacs are actually follicles, each one containing an immature egg. The eggs never mature enough to trigger ovulation. The lack of ovulation alters levels of estrogen, progesterone, FSH, and LH. Estrogen and progesterone levels are lower than usual, while androgen levels are higher than usual. Extra male hormones disrupt the menstrual cycle, so women with PCOS get fewer periods than usual. PCOS is a “syndrome,” or group of symptoms that affects the ovaries and ovulation.

16Child Obesity

Obesity means having too much body fat. It is not exactly as overweight, which means a child’s weight is in the higher range of children of the same age and height. Overweight may be due to excess muscle, bone, or water, as well as too much fat. Both terms mean that a child's weight is more than what is thought to be healthy.

17Breast Feeding and Formula Feeding

Breast milk is the right meals for the toddler. It protects the child in opposition to gastroenteritis and diarrhoea, ear and chest infections, allergies and diabetesBreastfeeding reduces the danger of bleeding after the beginning, is convenient. An early stage of vitamins for the babies starts off evolved from the mom’s milk. Immunity development for the child begins to enhance finally thru the breast milk.


Infertility can be described as a woman who is unable to conceive as well as being unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. Infertility is the inability of a person, plant or an animal to reproduce by natural means. It is normally not the innate state of a healthy adult organism, except in particularly among certain eusocial species. Understanding the socio demographic factors parallel with use may assist newly married couples with family planning.

19Teenage Pregnancy and its effects on Child

Teenage pregnancy can swap the course of a young mom’s life. It keeps her in a place where she’s responsible not only for herself but also for other human being. Carrying a baby and becoming a mother not only generate physical changes. Women also go through mental changes. Young mothers face added stress from:

20Complications during Pregnancy

Birth control: In the women’s reproduction system labour is the last phase of pregnancy. What's more, the most widely recognized method for labour is a vaginal conveyance. Furthermore, it is of three phases that is the shortening and opening of the cervix plummet and birth of the infant, and the conveyance of the placenta. Typically a large portion of the infants are conceived head first.

21Emergency Maternal Care

Appropriate maternal health care can mean the difference between life and death for a pregnant woman. Ensuring that women everywhere have access to such care could save hundreds of thousands of lives a year. With skilled care that is quickly accessible, common complications such as pre-eclampsia or a malaria infection, as well as serious conditions like obstructed labour, can be safely managed.

22Child Abuse

Child abuse is any behaviour that harms a child. It can take into many forms, including physical, sexual and emotional abuse, as well as negligence and exploitation. There are four main types of abuse:

  • Physical abuse: Any use of physical force on a child that doesn’t happen by accident and causes harm. Hitting, beating, punching, biting, burning, scratching, strangling or choking a child are all comes under child abuse.
  • Sexual abuse: Any type of sexual involvement or contact between an adult and a child. Sexual abuse can be voyeurism, sexual acts, and sex between family members.
  • Emotional abuse: A pattern of rejecting a child's love, acceptance, and security, or mistreating a child in the way an adult talks to them or acts towards them. Bullying, yelling, isolating, ignoring, criticizing, terrorizing, and shaming are all types of emotional abuse.
  • Neglect: Failing to provide children with the things that are useful for their growth such as shelter, food, hygiene, supervision, medical attention, education or safety.

23Preterm Birth Defects and Complications

Premature birth is a birth that will take more than three weeks before the baby's estimated due date. In other words, premature birth that is before the start of the 37th week of pregnancy. Premature babies, especially those who born very early, often have complicated health problems. Typically, complications of prematurity vary. But the earlier your baby is born, the more the risk of complications.

Depends on how early a baby is born, he or she may be:

24Health Disorders and Obesity

Obesity is a term that means you have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher. It makes you more likely to have conditions including:

25. Caesarean Section method

A caesarean section, also called a C-section, is a surgical procedure performed when a vaginal delivery is not possible or safe, or when the health of the mother or the baby is at risk. During this procedure, the baby is delivered through surgical incisions made in the abdomen and the uterus.

26. Autoimmune Diseases:

Autoimmune disease occurs when body cells that eliminate threats, such as viruses, attack healthy cells. As this condition continues to escalate among the population, researchers remain baffled as to why the condition affects mostly women. While many distinct autoimmune diseases exist, most share symptoms such as:

Most of the autoimmune system rests in the stomach. Duly, many who suffer from this condition have resorted to natural healing practices, such as:

27. Neonatal Jaundice:

Yellowish staining of the skin and whites of the new-born’s eyes (sclerae) by pigment of bile (bilirubin) is termed neonatal jaundice. In new-born babies a degree of jaundice is normal. It is due to the breakdown of red blood cells (which release bilirubin into the blood) and to the immaturity of the new-born’s liver (which cannot effectively metabolize the bilirubin and prepare it for excretion into the urine). Normal neonatal jaundice typically appears between the 2nd and 5th days of life and clears with time. Neonatal jaundice is also referred to as neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and physiologic jaundice of the new-born. It may last till 8 days in normal birth or around 14 days in premature births.


  1. Yellow skin
  2. Yellow sclera and nail beds
  3. Baby sleeps for a longer time than usual

28: Growth of child:

Growth of the child refers to increase in size of the body, which is measured in terms of body weight, height (length of the baby) head, and arm and chest circumference. These measures are called ‘anthropometrics’ measurements. These measures are compared with the reference standards to assess whether the measure is within the normal limits or not (+ or – 2 standard deviation). The measures can also be assessed in terms of percentile i.e. percentage of individuals falling below a particular level e.g. 50th percentile limits are considered as 3rd percentile and 97 the percentile. The weight of the children (94%) falling between these two limits considered within normal range.

Pattern of growth:

Market Analysis

Global women’s health market has been growing at a phenomenal pace in the past few years due to growing number of menopausal conditions amongst women. Changing lifestyles and poor dietary habits are also expected to make a significant contribution to the soaring revenue of the overall market. According to the research report, the global women’s health market was worth US$58.05 ban in 2016 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.7% between the forecast years of 2017 and 2025.

The global women’s health market has been analysed on the basis of treatment type, disease indication and geography. Major treatment type segments are hormonal treatment and non-hormonal treatment. Hormonal treatment segment is subdivided into estrogen therapy, progestin therapy, combination therapy, thyroid replacement therapy, parathyroid hormone therapy, and others. While non-hormonal treatment segment considers cancer targeted therapy drugs, antibiotics, bisphosphonates, vitamin D treatment, calcitonin, RANK-Ligand, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and others. The disease indication segment of global women's health market bifurcated into breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, hypothyroidism, post-menopausal syndrome, osteoporosis, contraceptive, uterine fibroid, urinary tract infection, and other disease indications. Geographically, global women’s health market is divided into major five geographical regions, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa.

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Past Conference Report

“We gratefully thank all our wonderful speakers, conference attendees, students, associations and exhibitors for making Woman and Child Health 2020 Conference the best ever. The International Webinar on International Conference on Woman and Child Health hosted by the EuroSciCon was held during August 24, 2020 (Online Webinar) based on the theme “Lets foster the opportunities for every woman and child to be healthy”. EuroSciCon offers its heartfelt appreciation to esteemed organizations, obliged to the Organizing Committee Members, adepts of field, various outside experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating the discussion forums. We also took privilege to felicitate the Organizing Committee Members, Editorial Board Members and Media Partners who supported this event.”

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